A birthday pressie!

Octopus piece (fineliners and schminke ink)

Birthday Boy!!!
M&M brownies

Ben killing...I mean cutting the cake that Kathryn made..

It is my good friend Ben's 40th birthday today and I drew him this and baked the brownies.  Yay!  Am really glad he like the piece and that it turned out well.  I will be making shirts and tote bags with the design!  Ben is a special FX animator and is currently working with me at Studio Moshi.  He and I met at Ettamogah, an animation company that was interesting to say the least,  and that was in 2008.   He was really quiet when he first started work and when we did get chatting at one of the work gatherings, he called me a midget and then I kicked him on the shin for it...and we've been friends since.  Ben also tutored me on how to do smoke and blood special FX, smacked me with a ruler for having bad perspective in a background I drew and generally being there for me when I needed him.   He still laughs at me when he remembers me struggling with paper animation....even after he roughed it out for me.   Anyhoo, am glad to have good friends and Ben is one of them!  Squeeee!

Today is a bit of a write off at work,  I smashed out huge amounts of footage the last 4 days and then I would go back home to do more work and to study Japanese and work on this piece.  I haven't had much a break so today am just out of it and struggling to finish even one shot.  Ah well.  A bit of rest and I will be back on top next week.  This weekend is very work-based though!  I want to finish a couple of animations and my current e-book.  A shame that it's all on computer since the weekend looks to be a sunny and lovely day.  Hope I find some time to urban sketch!


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