Illustration Job: (e-book page: Rabbit)

A page I finished last year, right before Christmas.  Thought to try another style.  Changing it up is always fun!  Submitting quite a few e-books next week.  I've done two and I need to ink one more page for the third one today and hopefully finish the colouring of it tomorrow.  Did a bit on the animation gig as well.  Hoping to finish that off too.  So much to do!  Not that this is strange.  I've hot the ground running for 2015 that's for sure!

Work starts at full force next week.  Not that I haven't been working already but I have been distracted by doing a lot of house stuff too.  Liking the look of my place though.  Got to do more!  Been finishing a bit every day but more needs to be done.  Sometimes it is just nice to refresh the look of a place that I've been living in for ages.


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