52 week illustration challenge: Week 35 Botany

Hi!  I entered this to the 52 Week Illustration Challenge last week (theme was Botany) and it's been used for something cool too... but it's a secret for now!

For other news.  Am really overloaded with work and been working around the clock.  I only leave the house for gym and to get myself some real food.  I survived on mostly coffee, nutella on toast, a banana and oatmeal today. I ate real food for dinner and only because there's a Japanese place next to the gym.  The dishes have piled up on the sink, the laundry needs folding and the trash needs taking out.  Been chained to the computer for hours and hours since Monday.  Two weeks before travel time and I need to get a lot of work done.  I do mean a lot....as in finished.  Madness I tell you.  Madness.  I also feel quite poor since I haven't seen a paycheck in over a month....close to two now. That's what happens when you take 2 week break from work and then finished a few jobs but not get paid until after two weeks.  Crazy times.  Crazy times....I need to save up more.  I truly do. 


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