Game 28 Round 04: Hello there!

Hello!  Today is the last day of the Easter Break and we had a few Easter items for Kookyrabbit.  I don't do a lot of pin ups but I do find them enjoyable!

That said, it hasn't been much of a break.  Been doing a lot of work but it has been good! I got a lot done and have managed to have some drawing time for myself too.  The working day is not over for me yet though.  I have a few more things I need to design or animate before I can call it quits for tonight.  That's what happens when you take more than one gig.  Maybe I will take a breather after this is all done.  I haven't had a chance to fish for more new jobs so it might happen anyway.  Eek!

 I do love working and freelancing but I am coming to a point where I realize that I need to start making a push towards my end goal.  Artists don't really retire unless they have to and I would rather not end up in that category...however..we all get old.  That's just a fact or we die before we can get to that stage.  I would like to be able to sell my own work autonomously through websites and galleries as well as doing more paintings and private commissions in the future.  I haven't done a whole lot in that front and I would like to but I admit, it's not something I am positive I can succeed in. I would like to try though!   I just can't stomach turning down well paid and interesting projects as of yet and I know that at some point, to work towards another goal I might just have to bite the bullet.  Or work myself to the ground.  Either, or.
Hope everyone had a good Easter!


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