Face Doodle: Cecilia

Hi!  I've been drawing faces again.  I keep losing count how many faces I have done this year.  Not a whole lot I think.  The name Cecilia stuck when I look at this one. I have another unfinished face doodle in my book too that I need to go and finish, I think!  Faces are really fun. .  Been veering off and changing my coloring now and going in a more colorful and unrealistic direction.

Today...I just worked on my kookyrabbit entry for tomorrow, followed up work, more social media, started a new painting (not turning out the way I want though) and I think am going to finish my unfinished face doodle now.

Seeing a Myotheraphist for my shoulders tomorrow.  A massage is what I need.  Gotta look after these drawing muscles!


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