Face Doodle: Mira

Hi! How is everything?  It was a busy (and rather expensive0 day yesterday.  Turns out that the grade in my eyes have gone up , so need new glasses and I picked some rather funky ones.  Hopefully they will arrive next week.  I also had to get so myotheraphy done and that's fixed the flexibility issues on my neck...due to the long hours of drawings I pulled over the last two weeks, hunched over.  Tehn, there was an art sale and I bought another batch of copics.  So close to having all 350 plus markers!  I am terrible.  You don't actually need all the colors but it's darn fun to have them all!  Rob and I also indulged on oysters last night.  Yum!

I've been drawing a lot of faces (again) and I came up with an idea for my Redbubble shop.  Let's see if I can pull it off!  I am also working on a few more things and am hoping to open more online stores, on different sites and see what pther products I can make! That said, it's hard enough maintaining one store...let alone 2 or 3!


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