Animated Showreel

My showreel!


  1. Ausgezeichnet! Wunderschone! Brilliant display of versatility!

  2. Wow, what a wonderful reel! Very inspiring. I'm just beginning to experiment with animation. It's a whole new adventure!

  3. Your animations are great! Could you answer a question for me? I'm having fun experimenting with FLASH and I’m wondering about appropriate file sizes for uploading animations to the web? What is too big? As an animation beginner I’ve been trying to keep the file size small for uploading animated .gifs to my Wordpress site. Gifs don’t have the visual smoothness of a .swf or .html, but Wordpress supports them. What file types are these?

  4. Thanks Marta for your reply to my query about file sizes. I’m continuing my experimentation.

  5. Nice reel Marta. Are you flash based or do you use after effects too?


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