Catnip and Catch up
Hello hello!
It has been a while since I last wrote. Again. I have been very busy at Studio Moshi, the project is a lot of fun but like most animation productions, it has a tight schedule so I have been rather busy.
I am still trying to find the time to work on a lot of my personal projects and I keep coming up with more ideas and things to do a lot faster than I can actually do them. This has been my first Friday free in a while and weekend for that matter. Most will be spent drawing my own works as this is the first drawing I had time to do in a very long time.
I really liked the Cat head idea so I came up with this one. Hand drawn, hand inked and coloured in Photoshop :) I sketched it during my break at work today. It just felt so good doing a drawing of my own again. Am hoping to finish another illustration I've been working on tomorrow. Fingers Crossed!
I like this, is a cat or a woman? it's true there's no time for personal projects some times, I agree, but we'll do the best. I encourage you!!