Manly Man!

Simon is a manly man.  He bludgeons his enemies with a giant piece of meat and uses the blood as ketchup.  The only time he takes a shower is in the tears of the fleet women he has left behind in his wake. 

This was done for Tim Merks manly man competition.  Tim is currently working on creating a short animated film and this drawing is based on his main character; Simon.

This was all done in Flash while I had some free time at work.  Today is my last day at Studio Moshi (animation has ended for this project) and looking forward to the after party and whatnot.  The project was tons of fun to work on and looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.

Next week I start freelancing on a couple of gigs and discussing another project with an old client.  Very pleased that the timing has worked out nicely.  I may be busy until Christmas!  Wheeeeee!


  1. HAHA! You are hysterical! I love your illustrations and all the great colors in them. Beautiful drawings with so much personality. I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your works and will definitely be back.


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