IF: Burning


This is my illustration for Illustration Friday and the theme is Burning.  I wanted to do something simple with bold colours and I went for "burning passion" and why not?  I think it's the type of burning most people wont mind at all.  This was illustrated in Flash.

I bought two awesome fashion books today: Dreaming of Chanel and Dreaming of Dior.  I would definitely recommend them!


  1. Bold and intense! Very cool--your work's wonderful. I love IF -- finding amazing artist who I'd never find otherwise. Thank you!

  2. thanks for your comment on my blog! I really like your take on the theme!

  3. OOOh I can feel the heat!!!!! Oh my goodness how fabulous!

  4. Oh my goodness, you're an animator, my dream job, you lucky, lucky girl! :)
    Love your illo, and will definitely look for those books, thanks for the recommendation :)

  5. Burn baby, he he! Been flicking through your last couple of posts and I really like your work. I'm interested how you got into animation, Ive just finished my BA in Graphic Design but we didn't really cover animation. I focused on illustration but I'm always interested in adding to my skills, did you take a specific course?

  6. Those two certainly are steamy!

  7. Love the flame-like quality to their hair! Dramatic piece!

  8. ooOH love the colors.
    thanks for the comment :)

  9. Very cool...and hot! Great idea! Love the colors and the pose!

  10. These two have a burning desire for each other... Sorry, I couldn't help myself.Great job!

  11. cool and simple! i also very impressed of your showreel..great stuff!

    and thx for comment^^

  12. Like fire and ice. Great colors and excitement in this one. Love the illustration below it too.

  13. hey! This is terrific! great graphic style and perfect for this week's illustration friday!

  14. Love your take on the theme. Fantastic use of graphic bold colours. Thanks for your comment on my blog btw:)

  15. Oh my this is so passionate! I love it! xo

  16. wow! just great - hot in all sorts of ways ;)


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