Lookout 14: Where are we now?

Hello hello!

This is what I have spent most of today doing!  Astri (great 2D animator and illustrator) and I started this project of sending illustrations backwards and forwards with each other since 2007..when we both joined Red Bubble.  No real theme in mind, it was a free flowing illustration exercise where we interpreted or added on from the previous person's work.  We've had monsters, robots and lots of cats popping up in our illustrations.  At the moment, it  predominantly involves an underwater adventure with a Sorceress.

I have been doing all the EVEN numbers and she does the ODD ones.  If you want to see more please check out the links starting with Lookout 1 and just check out all the links on the right hand side to see where it went and how it ended up where it is now.

This was all drawn up and coloured in Flash and then touched up in Photoshop.  I really should try drawing something in illustrator as it's been a while but Flash is just so much easier for me as an animator.

Hope you guys like and tell me what you think!


  1. really nice collaboration! a friend and i did this for awhile but in 'snail mail' where we'd work on the art then send it thru post. :)

  2. I just checked the collaboration site, very very impressive!

    I love every single one of them, and hope to have a adventure in the magical environment you created!:)


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