3D character Blood Maus done.

Hello, so I am done with posing and lighting up the scene for my character.  Need to do controllers in another file but am pretty much on point in submitting everything by Friday next week.  Oh my goodness....Maya is certainly temperamental and painful to deal with at times.

We had to do wire frame render of out model too and for some inexplicable reason the hat is refusing to render and I have tried everything.  My best option is to take what I have and hopefully it can be sorted at school.

Tired.  Spent the weekend freelancing and most of tonight doing homework.  Am looking forward to a few days where I can just have a breather and work on my own stuff.


  1. Hope you get to rest up. Blood Maus looks so 3-D good! :)

  2. NEAT!!he looks totally devious and badass!
    you're too good at this.. (;w;) <3


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