Chugnut 2013

Dave B. working away

David Mahler's comic WIP

Andrew Fulton perusing

Working away

Working away some more!

Hello, hello!  I just got back from Chugnut (comics camp) and my goodness did I come up with some weird drawings this weekend.  I'll show some a bit later.  I did some illustration work and a few personal illustrations this weekend.  Did not feel like painting so I decided not to force it. 

I had a lot of fun at camp and found it really inspirational to constantly draw and come up with concepts until I was happy with the idea.  I got a little stuck on a direction for my current illustration gig but it clicked Saturday morning.  All the rejects will just end up on the blog at some point.  Essentially, I was just drawing from morning till night and was very productive.  Being on a table where everyone is drawing is almost like competing in a 10km run, where if other people are still going, it makes me want to keep going too. 


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