Bird Woman: work in progress pics 02

Close up of face
Whole image
close up of feathers
Hello, hello!  So I finished inking and colouring in the face, just this Sunday past, but I have been pretty busy that I haven't finished it yet.  One of the pieces I will be displaying at Supanova...or that's the plan anyway.  See what happens as I don't have a whole lot of details yet.

I spent this morning cleaning and observing my fishies, going to officeworks to get more zine prints to make and sell for Supanova and other places and then spent the rest of the day brushing up on Toonboom at the studio I start working at...starting next Monday.  I also picked up more illustration work.  No rest for the busy.  I will also start gym training before work 3-4 times a that' will be about 7am.  I am insane.  Oh yes, indeedy.  However, am also a that balances things out.  Sort of.


  1. Congrats on all the work :D And its in animation and illustration!! Awesome! Have fun at Supanova :)

  2. Very nice! looking forward to the finish illustration! :)


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