Squishface Coaster Show: Skull coaster

Hi!  Another one of my entries to the Squishface coaster show coming this Sunday!  I actually did this last weekend at a friends place.  This was inspired by a skull that was sitting on her table.

I know, I am starting to sound like a broken record, but I am extremely busy this week.  I need to get a very big job done in about 5 days..since I actually want to attend the Moshi Christmas party this Friday, spend time in the country on Saturday and actually be at the Coaster show on Sunday...not to mention have time to bake for the coaster show.... very flat out at the moment.  I mean really flat out.  I need to gun it majorly this week to make deadline.   I actually spent most of today on an illustration job and did some of the animation work this evening and took a day off yesterday.  Once can get burnt out really quick without a breather here and there.  The next four days will be me gunning it...  See how we go!


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