Bye bye 2014!

Achievement Wall
Exhibitions 2012-2014

New Years Eve!  First if all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year for tonight and that I hope all of you will be safe, have a great time seeing 2015 come about and may all your hang overs recover quickly.  This is a time where most of us think of what we would like to achieve next year and reflect on how the year or even past years have gone and to give yourself a pat on the back and be grateful for all the awesome things and for still being alive, healthy and having people who like/love you.

2014 for me was a little up and down personally but I think it ended very well.  I did end up selling more work and being part of more exhibitions but alas, I did not eat as healthy as I would have liked.  Something to really keep an eye out for 2015.  Other than that, I just want to 2015 to be a year full of achievements, prosperity, happiness and keeping my family and friends safe and have their own goals fulfilled.  I would like to keep pushing forward with work, exhibitions, fitness and having a jolly good time!


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