Daily Sketch: Mr. Jailman
This is a piggy bank that my dad got me when he returned from a business trip in Japan when I was 9. I loved this present and still do as it's been with me for 25 years. The enamel on the moustache is a bit chipped and the original lock to the cage (he's actually in a cage) has gotten lost but otherwise, he's in good condition, considering how old he is and how he's had to move houses several times and countries. I love piggy banks though. I have about 9 in the house...and one is at Squishface since we needed a piggy bank there. Sometimes I think I might have OCD as I have a coin bank for the different coins. Like $1 only in one piggy bank (like Mr. Jailman only keeps 1 dollars). Anyway, I find it fun and it's good to keep money in the house, even if it's just small change.
Another really big day today. I'm tired cos I've slowed down a bit. Really big job with a fast turn-around is tiring. Doing my best though. I have to pull out some big shots tomorrow. I've been chained to the computer at home so much that am starting to get cabin fever. I literally go to the gym in the mornings and then back again and working till late ( like I'm finishing off a shot after this blog post) I still haven't had any breaks longer than a day...maybe the longest I've had is a weekend or two, but for the most part it's all go, go, go on my end. I will be socializing a lot come Friday to Sunday though. Tons of events! That said...I'll probably be working on Sunday night.
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