General Babble

Well....Daniel still hasn't thought of a name for this animated film we're doing or name for the creatures (see the pics posted). Says that he has to give them real thought. Fair enough...mind you it's going to get tiresome calling the characters: creature_001, creature_002 and so on and so forth so am going to wish he'd hurry up! This is a musical piece and will be similar to the scene in Tarzan (Disney Movie) where the monkeys are all in camp and breaking things to make a tune. Daniel will be the one creating all the music and I will be doing all the characters and animation.

I've been working with Daniel Waghorn for many years. Anytime I need music for a film, Daniel is the guy I call, bug and occassionaly pay with bananas. He also does actionscripting, programs games and fixes computers (PC).

Animated a bit for Renmotion today. Renmotion is currently working on an interactive Flash animated educational cd-rom. Has a bunch of characters teaching kids to read and whatnot. Will post pictures here and on my website as soon as I find out if am allowed to by the head honcho.

Worked on a "Sugar and Lice" scene as well but wont be posting up pictures just yet. Thomas and I will be speaking about that shortly as "Sugar and Lice" will have it's own website and we'd like to publicize it properly. I am also going to need to ask him whether or not I can post "OIL" stuff...will see as "OIL" will also have it's own website sometime in the future.


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