
Am nervous about my interview at Enttamogah tomorrow. So nervous that am not working on anything at the moment...just hoping that I have everything and that they will be impressed with what they see. So scary but I am excited too. New possibilities always make me both nervous and excited.

I am also meeting a new client come Monday. Husband of a woman I will be working for at Melbourne Uni sometime in January. It's great that I have managed to build so many contacts this year alone. Gives me confidence as a freelancer.

There are days I wonder about being in a job that is constant and stabilize. That would be good too I think...I wouldn't need to hunt for jobs so much. Though admittedly, I seem to be hunting less and less and being found instead...which is absolutely fantastic and something I am truly grateful for.

I still haven't started my Penguin Animation (St. Hide), I've done a rough storyboard last night so hopefully I manage to finish a few scenes in the next few days. so nervous, hyper and excited all at the same time. I keep going through my head on things that I have to bring and hoping that they like my sketches. I do hope they like my sketches. I heard on the grapevine that they were looking for folks (3) that can build existing designs and make them animatable in Flash. This is for mobile phones. Sounds pretty easy...then again most jobs do until it's too late to turn back. Learned that one the hard way. I meet and apply for jobs constantly but the nervousness is still there. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't gotten used to it yet.


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