Drawing Request 06: A giant Kitty using a giraffe-shotgun to fight vampire-hulk. In space.

Hello hello!

Well this is drawing request 06 for Daniel Luke.  His request was to draw a giant Kitty using a giraffe-shotgun to fight vampire-hulk. In space.  Drawing request where requests given to me via facebook when I asked for ten things to draw.  To know more about drawing requests and all that I actually have to draw please read this post

This was all done in Flash...I wanted to do something quite cartoony this time around.I also submitted this to Drawing Day today.  If you're an artist, draw something for fun and submit it!

Work is picking up and am excited to be animating on a pilot next week,  the timeline is not continuous, so that means I will be able to do other work on projects here and there too!  Still looking for more gigs though, as always.


  1. HA! I want that giraffe-shotgun! Love the boots on the kitty. Man, where do these people come UP with these ideas? It's like something out of Mad Lib!


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