
Behold my piece for Illustration Friday's theme this week being "Launch".  This is a robot squid rocket launching itself through the water.  This piece was all done in Flash.  No photoshop love this time around.

This is not the first time I did an art work piece for the therme "Launch".  I created an animated loop for Loopdeloop in May 2011.  Thought I would include here since they are related ;)

Launch from Marta Tesoro on Vimeo.

My main hobby which drawing and animating in my spare time is the same as my profession and it is something I feel truly blessed in.  There are times when am doing work and all I want to do is to work on my own thing and lately, since things have been busy, I have been doing most of my personal work around 11:00 in the evening till the wee hours.  I am not annoyed or anything like that...I just wish there was more time in the day and that I wasn't human and didn't need rest and food or toilet breaks.  Sometimes I wish I could just switch certain functions/needs off and then turn them on again accordingly.  Maybe this is why I have drawn something cyborg and robotic twice in a row now.

I am planning to work, go to gym and hopefully do a looped animation for Loopdeloop this month.  So many things to do...so little time


  1. cool robot squid! love the color and curves in the ill, too! your animation made me laugh... what a temper she has! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The animation is great. like a creepy jack in the box. I love the robot squid too. I've been watching lots of alien TV and movies... it reminds me a little of that stuff. but then I may be obsessed with aliens right now.

  4. Looks great, I love the idea of a robot squid!

  5. WOW! Love the illustration and the video share is cool too!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have really cool stuff! My daughter is a graphic design student. She works with all the Adobe and Illustrator programs but hasn't worked with Flash yet, I will have to show her your work--it's awesome!

  7. Your animation is just fantastic. You are so talented! Inspires me to get back into animation myself.

    And I love your drawing for Launch. Amazing it was all drawn in Flash.

  8. Hahahaha, this is what happens when a robot squid eats a metal burrito. Love it!


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