IF: Asleep


This is an old hand drawn illustration I did a few years ago which I re-worked in Photoshop.  I have not posted it in my blog and I thought it suited the Illustration Friday theme perfectly.  I drew this during my break at work in 2009.  It was a tough time back then in that particular studio and we were working ridiculously long hours to get the project done.  I remember just running on coffee, hot chocolates and sheer will.  I knew that after the project all I was going to do was sleeeeeeeeep!

I would like sleep now.  I spent most of yesterday and all night looking for a folder of important documents which ended up being at my parent's place.  Thank God!  But alas, I do need to get some work done today so sleeping needs to wait a little longer....


  1. I love the coffee water colour and the tone. This is a really lovely hand drawn illustration which is different to your usual style.It makes me want to see more....

  2. I agree with Melissa! Nice feeling/atmosphere, Marta!

  3. Lovely, You have created such a sleepy mood.

  4. Oh man, I am in this same boat, a little cup of sleepy time ;) We'll sleep next week, right?! Right?!? Love this. It's epically moody and super cool.

  5. Very nice illustration...perfect for the theme!

  6. I love this illustration, so perfect for those of us who are working far too many hours and managing on lot of coffee to keep going.
    I hope you get some sleep soon :)

  7. very cool...i love the fact she's sleeping in a tea cup!

  8. Very nice - I think I've been in that teacup! Seas were just as rough too! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I really like the concept, great work!

  10. Tossed about in a teacup while fast asleep. Very nice!

  11. really great!! lovely atmosphere!

  12. Hi Marta, Thanks for commenting on my IF illustration. I like the color in your asleep piece. Good to meet you!

  13. Oh my goodness, I just LOOOOOOOVE this!!!!

  14. Oh, I really like this! Nice! :)

  15. Oh that would be a nice place to curl up! Love the tones on this one.

  16. i like this illustration a lot!

    love the quiet atmosphere and mood~!

  17. Very nice drawing. I like the soft stroke of the pencil matched with the stained paper texture.

  18. Hello Marta...So nice to meet you! I love this illustration, it's wonderful...so creative, makes me either want to take a nap or make a cup of coffee, which is what I think I'll do!

    I haven't tried any lilac desserts yet but just posted about htem...they do exist!
    xo J~

  19. beeeeeeautiful!
    love this love this love this!
    and the cloud is just perfect ♥

    kisses hugs!

  20. Man, this is the best feeling ever... reminds me of just sinking into a nice, hot cup of coffee, and letting your thoughts drift. And the stained paper is perfectly appropriate for this. Great illustration. :-)

  21. Great piece RT! I love the idea and the angle! Nice line work as well. Wish I could sleep in a tea cup :o)

  22. This is lovely ! Thank you for your comment on my blog, it made me discover yours. Good day to you !


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