Corn Fish

Allo, allo!  Illustration 182 out of 183 to total 6 months of drawing everyday.  I had to double up today as when I decided to do the 6 month goal, it was July 04 and I didn't have an illustration on July 02 and I've made up with this!  Anyway, the idea came about when my friend David B. went to the Fruit and Veggie shop and he picked up a bunch of grapes and I said "Grape fish", in which he replied " I want a Corn Fish" I made one!  I also made a Steam Punk fish for my sister but alas it's an A3 sized piece and so it wont be going on the blog.  I got a fish request from my parents today so I'll be getting on to that too.  Good ideas as well.  I am serious about having an exhibition of these guys so the more fish I make, the more options I have later.

New Years Eve tomorrow!  I am looking forward to it!  I intend to have fun.


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