New Years Eve: 6 month drawing everyday Complete!

Illustration 183 and that is 6 months completed!  Goal achieved.  Woo hoo!  Happy New Years to everyone for later!  I am going out and having fun tonight in vintage form.  Yup, I have a cherry dress and am not afraid to wear it.  Tee hee hee! Might be giving away what am going to be dressed like tonight, ah well.

Year 2011 went by in a flash.  Here are some of the events that happened this year:

  • I went to Europe instead of Japan and had a fantastic time, despite the bedbugs in Austria. 
  • I managed to enter animations to loopdeloop every month this year without fail. 
  • I met and developed bonds with new people and social groups as well as letting go of some people I used to call friends.  
  • I got to experience Armageddon in full costume as well as the Zombie Shuffle...both events I have never gone to before.  
  • I drew everyday for 6 months and achieved that goal and with that I developed new illustration styles, became pretty good at copic pens and my watercolour skills are getting there too. Furthermore I finally came up a theme for an exhibition I want to do.   
  • I was constantly employed and have managed to live comfortably as a freelancer.  My animations have become noticeably better though my drawing of hands can certainly use some improvement.  
  • I finally bought a laptop after all these years despite a financial set-back.  
  • I have joined a studio containing a band of comic artists and animators at Squishface Studio..where we all do our own thing but with company and space.
I have plenty of things to be thankful for and I am so looking forward to 2012.  Working at the studio, trying to make an exhibition, going back to school to learn 3D animation from the ground up, it's insane.  I will be looking for more work to do at the same time as school by mid-January.  I also plan to be a bit more hardcore with gym/training.  I want to be fitter, slimmer and tougher before the year is out.  I want to be able to do proper pull-ups and achieved front splits.  I am hoping to have time to make a comic too..or at least a couple of strips.  Here's hoping I achieve all that!

Now, may everyone have a safe and Happy New Years whether or not you're celebrating or staying home in bed.  For all that read my blog, thank you and I hope you enjoyed the ride and there will be more posts next year.  May 2012 be awesome for you all!!!!


  1. Super congrats on completing this challenge and mannn you did a lot of stuff this year. Inspirational stuff Marta

  2. congratulations on achieving your creative goal! i look forward to more of your artwork in the new year.
    wishing you a happy, magic, creative new year,
    xo sandra


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