Fantail Fishbone 02

Illustration 162.  Another design that I will be putting on the shirts.  It is the same breed as the last fish.  First time I've drawn the same type of fish twice.  I have an idea for screen printing that requires the same type of fish, that's all.  I really love screen printing, I have a knack for it.  However I need space and the equipment.  Alas, I neither have the space nor the money to start up a new hobby just like that.  A real shame.  This week is my last class. Makes me kinda sad.


  1. I love this image. I can see that your work would lend itself to screen printing. Beautiful.
    Helen xx

  2. Hi Marta! your fish series is just so good. i have never tried screen printing, i am curious to see the result of your work.
    so no more class? enjoy a bit of the Australian summer..
    (i lived in Australia for a long time and could never get enough of your beautiful beaches...)
    xo sandra


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