Ice Cream Mountain

Illustration 156 in a row.  Big ice cream (with a custard topping)  to go with the Kittys' big spoon. 

A busy week is ahead of me.  Trying to work on several jobs at once and trying to find that routine of going into the studio.  The place is looking good.  It will be great when things are more set-up.  I don't have internet at the studio at the moment so communicating and sending files back and forth from the studio isn't possible yet.  Hoping to find the time to buy an internet stick.  That would be great!


  1. Why isn't the pink bunny eating the icecream too!?
    Love the Kitty's expression :D

  2. so cute!
    will you post pictures of your studio? i love looking at people ’s working space, it’s so inspiring xo sandra

  3. Hiya Marta, I haven't checked-in here for a while. Thought I'd better follow you too.
    Looks like you've been busy.

  4. hello Marta!
    i know i am a terrible blogger, i am blogging less, i am sorry :((
    so much to do so little time, i feel exhausted...

    btw i always love ice cream.
    maybe ice cream mountain is all i need ;D



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