IF: Wool

Howdy!  My entry to Illustration Friday theme: wool!  I had so many other sketches I was working on for this theme but none of them worked...so I drew a quick sheep in Flash instead.  I think it worked!  I like using a limited colour palette.  It just helps so much in making sure that the piece doesn't end up looking jarring or garish.  This wasn't always the case.  When I was much younger and just starting out, I used to not think of a specific palette before designing at all and the results were normally too bright and saturated with a few colour clashes here and there.  Luckily, I learned a few lessons and tricks along the way and nowadays the way I mix colours in backgrounds and characters normally get a lot of compliments.


  1. I can take a lesson for you! The palette is wonderful, nice contrasts that do not overwhelm. Love the bunny, lost in the wool, but happy! Nice dimension in the wool, too.

  2. That's one happy looking bunny :) Wonder if the sheep even knows it's there.


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