Squishface Zine Fair 2013 Pics!

Sarah browsing Frank's comics
Ive contemplating his sales
Patrick Alexander putting on a spiel
Sacha showing off the talent
Squishface Leader Ben Hutcho being happy and Frank looking on
Me and my wares, sharing a table with Ive and Patrick
Dave on the other table entertaining Neil and his little boy

Hello, hello!  Well this was the Squishface gang selling our wares at the zine fair.  A very fun and productive day.  My new zine got a lot of good feedback and I managed to sell a huge amount of my first zine which was my fishbone one.  I spent most of the day drawing and chatting to strangers.  It was a bit of fun.  Patrick even made a loud speech which got the attention of everyone in the room to have a look at out table.  I made a few sales shortly after that!

I think I may do an extended version of my Sugar zine but I am glad how it turned out nonetheless!

Please vist our website at squishfacestudio.com to learn more about us as individuals and what we do as a group!


  1. Cool is this your first comic? I'll have to get a copy from you

    1. hahahaha! My first actually comic is my next project. "Sugar Rabbit" are illustrations of me describing my favourite treats and it's my second "zine". My first one had pretty pics of Fishbones!

  2. Well done Marta, looked like a fun and busy day

    1. Thanks Rich! You should come to the next one...maybe even sell a zine for next year! :D


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