Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my own dearest mom as well to all the mothers out there.  I may have left the roost but when something comes up, like sewing clothes, burning my blanket and doona with an iron and getting something that's similar to bubble gum stuck on it, something to do with food, being sick...I still call home and ask my mum for some advice.  Sometimes, she fixes it, sometimes I get solutions for what needs to be done.  I still show her my artworks from time to time and still get some really good advice on how to improve it. 

My mom is the most multi-talented person I know.  From gardening, sewing, cooking, arts and crafts, sculpting, building, painting and she's a much better traditional artist than I will ever be and everything she has touched or attempted has flourished.  She's absolutely awesome and I wish I had half her talent.  I don't always agree with her decisions and I some times think that she would have been better of choosing a different path but this is to be expected.  No child will ever fully agree or appreciate everything their parent/parents do for them and I don't expect her to support all of my decisions either.  I know that my mom does things to the best of her abilities and that is all one could ever ask for and I appreciate her for it.  She is the most amazing woman I know.....she also has the most fantastic coconut macaroons known to man and I hope she passes down the recipe to me one day.

Happy Mother's Day Mom.  


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