IF: Future (Monster Face 15...it got bumped up)
Hello, hello! This is my entry to this week's Illustration Friday: Future. Not to be all doom and gloom but an accurate prediction that one can make for anybody is that they will die ( unless they are an immortal). Yup. Sooner or later everyone you know and love, including yourself will cease to exist (physically) at some point in the future.
A good reason to enjoy life, do the things you want and not live or be limited by other people. I choose to be happy and am willing to work and make sacrifices for it...so many people don't unfortunately. Many choose to live with constant excuses of why they're not doing the things they want. Let's face it, lots of people don't like change even if their situation is pretty terrible. I get the concept of it, but find it all rather silly. That said, to each their own and provided that no one tries to wreck my way of living by interfering financially, physically or otherwise, then it's all cool.
I would love to be an immortal and invulnerable though. Imagine, having all the time in the world to learn, do things, travel. So many people to meet, cultures to see, food to try, experiences to go through several lifetimes to do it all....I think it would be amazing.
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