IF:Tribute (Monster face 10)

A tribute to all you people who have monsters on the brain

Hello!  Well, today was a busy day again as usual.  I am getting more comfortable animating in the required style and I am truly enjoying working on the show.  It's been really good fun.

This is a doodle I did at lunchtime today for Illustrations Friday, theme being Tribute.  I was actually out of ideas for this one but this image came to my head...so here it is! 

I had a package delivered today from FedEx to my place.  I really need to transfer all mailed out packages to the address at work.  It would be so much simpler and safer.  I actually called a friend of mine and asked a huge favour for him to pick it up and lucky he did...it would have been so stolen otherwise....


  1. Holy cow, it's been ages! This is really cool! Great style and color.


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