Illustration Job: detail shot of one of the pages

My cat e-book job is done!!!  Woo hoo!!  The client was really happy too.  This was all hand draw and inked, then some Photoshop magic.  I like doing hand drawn stuff and then making it look better in Photoshop.  I draw faster traditionally than digitally anyway.  Besides, it's nice to get away from the computer screen once in a while.

I also finished an animation deadline as well.  Yay!  Unfortunately I have 4 other things due on Monday so am working around the clock....except for tonight and most of tomorrow.  I am Urban sketching tomorrow and spending some time with friends and I am sleeping in!  I have to go to work on Sunday which is rather unfortunate.  Doing double jobs at work at the moment and both are due Monday.  Of course.  I have freelance stuff due Monday too.  Of course.  In fact, I think my week ends as soon as Monday does, given how everything is due on Monday!

It never fails.  I will have nothing or I will have everything and the deadline will all be the same.  Ah well...better to have as much as possible than nothing at all, right?


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