Urban Sketching: RMIT Building ( corner La Trobe and Swanston Street)

Corner La Trobe and Swanston Street.  The RMIT building!
Some of the pieces!

Photo by Gary

Me finishing the colouring in the warmth before lunch!
Group Shot!  Photo by Kym Steinke

Here we are!  It was so cold today and so busy around the Swanston Street area where we were drawing.  A small group today though.  Smaller than normal.  It was a lot of fun though and I met a fellow illustrator/animator today.  Sometimes I am reminded on how small the world, especially the animation world, is.

An odd thing happened though, an Asian man took a close up shot of my piece.  I didn't mind until i started thinking that my piece might end up on a Tote bag or T-shirts or something.  That said, doesn't matter!  Seeing that I have to spread my work on the internet to stay in the folio game, am sure something has been stolen already. 

I had to cut Urban Sketching short today though, that's why I don't have more than one piece.  Had to go home and work for that deadline on Monday.  Am looking forward to having a small breather. 


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