Urban Sketching: Geelong

Group shot of some of the works

Picture by Erik Sentell

Colored at a cafe

Suzette, organizer of Geelong Urban Sketchers, giving a speech

Group shot by Erik Sentell

Gallery pic by Erik Sentell


Group shot of Erik Sentell
 Hi!  So yesterday I and the other Melbourne Urban Sketchers had the pleasure of coming to Geelong and meeting up with the Geelong Urban Sketchers to sketch the city.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Geelong is a gorgeous place and there was so much to draw and see.  I drew up the station and the library and wish I had time to draw the other buildings.  Johnston Park was great too.  Some of my fellow sketchers and I even had tea at a lovely cafe called Craft Space.  Afterwards, sketches were submitted to Studio Geelong at 81 Riley Street for an exhibition opening that very same day.  The exhibition will be up for a week.

Would love to thank Suzette (From Geelong Sketchers) and Eveylen and Angela of Melbourne Urban Sketchers for organizing!


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