Concept Art for School Game Project "Final Elements"

Here are MOST of the elements I need to model during my Easter break in Maya.  That's right, I left out quite a few objects.  Insanity I tell you!!!  I've already started on the bath tub on the last day of school before break and it actually turned out really well! Still lacking a lot of the decorative bits though.  Anyway, the goal is to get all the modelling done before school starts in 10 days, on top of freelance work and life in general of course. 

The drawings above...where drawn and coloured in one day.  I was going full speed ahead on Wednesday just to get it all done by Thursday last week and the teacher really liked them and she liked my concept art document so that's one thing out of the way!  These aren't the only drawings I did either...I had to do a top, front, side view of each element as well...essentially I probably drew about 20 or so pages in one day.    The good news is, that's a part of my assessment all handed in, done and approved. Hurrah!  These where hand inked and then coloured in Photoshop.

My mum always said, "All artists are crazy".  My take on it is, "All artists need to be crazy because the lifestyle is seriously quite mental".  Either starving, or working on other jobs or having so much work that it gets overwhelming.  Better busy, than bored I always say!

Today is Easter Sunday.  Happy Easter everyone!!!  I think I will spend mine chilling a bit, doing some Maya homework, a run and seeing the folks tonight.   Perhaps even do some drawings....maybe I will just sleep.  Yeah...sleep sounds good.


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