Fishies at the Studio

 Steam Punk Fish

 Goblin Shark Cello inked

Goblin Shark Cello water coloured

Some photographs of the fish bone pieces I painted at the studio.  It was so hot yesterday and I spent most of the painting the Goblin Shark.  I've been having a lot of fun with watercolours and the blending is a lot more fun than the copic pens.  Check out Squishface Studios where I've been painting!


  1. i dont know much about steampunk art, but these are awesome!!!

    Happy new year, Marta, wish you all the best in 2012 ♥


  2. Wow. The steampunk fish is amazing. It makes me think of a submarine where the captain would steer the fish from its head, behind the goggles.
    And the cello is just as beautiful. Very good concept. I love them.

  3. steampunk..- goblin shark..! MY BRAIN IS ON SEH WALLS. <3 <3 <3 i can't pick a fav out of these two, but i do hope they share the same air(somehow, i don't see your creatures swimming in seh ocean) n play nice. very amwesome!very awesome indeed. <3


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