Tired already

 Howdy boys and girls!  Well, I drew this one up a few days ago but it more or less rings true for today...I am feeling a bit exhausted and the year has barely begun.  I have started full swing with work now and I need to get everything done before the end of the month when it's all due.  Wheeee!  Then school begins in feb.  Double wheee!

I went to the gym today too and it was too packed to do weights so I started running instead and got a massive headache in the process. Not too sure what's going on there.  I spent most of today in front of the computer getting an action shot done.  Time to do clean up on it now and hopefully get it done by Friday morning.


  1. A great drawing.
    Sorry about your headache, hope it is better. I suffer migraines and a run usually helps. Perhaps you should have it checked. Sending good wishes
    Helen xx


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