Paperboat Traveller

Busy, busy day today but a lot got done.  Finally finished one section for a job which am pleased with and did some more work on that painting.  It's getting there and am a bit happier with it.  I haven't done a new A3 fish bone piece for ages and I really need to find time to do some printouts and scanning.  Will cost me quite a bit though.  Boo.  I'll need to do select prints until am more liquid or just sell the originals.  I also haven't gone to the gym this week.  I may pay for that come Monday.

You know, for an artists I've never done a paper boat properly or a paper aeroplane or anything origami actually.  I don't think paper folding is one of my skills. 


  1. I love this image. It it beautiful Your use of colour is in harmony.

  2. This one is so cute! Wouln't it be great if we could sail away by paper boat! I'd be off to the sunny side of the world for a bit :)
    xo Sandra

  3. Happy New Year Marta!!! I'm just re-entering into blogland after a bit of a hiatus!!

    Many congratulations on your six month daily drawing extravaganza!!! Lifting a glass to you!!
    I've loved catching up with you and your special creations!!
    xoxo J~

  4. this is great!! nice combination of the boat and the girl [ and the bunny sweater!]


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