3D run cycle!!!

Howdy!  We were working on runs today and here's my SECOND attempt on a run cycle.  I made four different versions today and this was my favourite of the day.  The Ninja run cycles from the anime "Naruto" is what inspired this one.

Tomorrow will be the first day I miss out on 3D class as I need to run around preparing for Exhibitchin on Saturday.  I hope the weather is decent on the weekend.  With Melbourne, you just never know which is unfortunate sometimes.  I don't like missing class.  I am enjoying the animation side of things and I'm picking it up really quickly.  I have an advantage coming from a 2D animation background.  I also got my ass kicked by my betters at Ettamogah and my head got kicked in to learn the graphs in another animation program called Toon Boom...which by the way, I am very thankful for.


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