100 Cats Exhibition!

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Hi!  Here's the upcoming exhibition I am a part of!  Next Friday, Sept 05 is the opening night, come one come all!  Essentially, a good part of the proceeds will be going to Ingrid's Haven, which has a no-kill policy for kitties.  That's a lot of kitties to keep alive, if you think about it and Off the Kerb is giving them a hand by holding this exhibition!  Please feel free to donate kitty wet food and toys while the  exhibition is going as it will all go towards helping out Ingrid's Haven.

For those that don't know, am actually allergic to cats and the piece I submitted, reflected that.  However, I really do love patting them, though i have to wash my hands immediately afterwards.

Busy, busy as always from my end.  I spent the evening enjoying the company of some of the urban sketching ladies.  I worked on the book job I have at the moment.  I may have to spend a good chunk of tomorrow night and definitely Saturday night and all of Sunday working on it.  Afterwards, am on to another commission job!  Yay!


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