Life Update for January


Zebra illustrations by Marta Tesoro using copic markers
Zebra illustrations

Hi!  It's been a while, hasn't it?  I really was trying to do daily posts but time and energy just got away from me, I guess.  So what's been happening?

  • I am currently working at an animation studio and working on an Adult Animated TV series for 6 weeks and I started on Monday.
  • Currently trying to finish a freelance book gig.  I am pretty close to the end but trying to illustrate while my brain feels like melting from animating is a lot
  • Also trying to make motifs on the side for more patterns. I started working with copics again, I do miss hand colouring things. The schleich figures I bought has it's uses!
  • Learning Adobe Illustrator, finally.
  • I had to prepare a proposal for possible passive income in the future.  More on that once I actually get feedback for it.

Rabbit Town Art Monarch Butterflies illustration
Colouring in a Monarch Butterfly 

And that's it so far in terms of work and projects.  My social media game fell by the wayside again.  I need to make time to sort that out too.  It's hard though, sometimes.   It would be nice if the patterns and the book I've been working on actually goes somewhere but it's hard not to feel discouraged.

Oh, I have been having some fun too.  Visited Ballarat, Maldon and Malmsbury.  They are all different country towns in Victoria and if you're in the area, I would definitely recommend going to them. I'll talk about them more in another post.

I'll be creating more motifs.  I think it's time I try doing daily drawings again, otherwise it will just fall by the wayside.  I'll try and write more too!  That said, I think I already wrote more this month than I have for all of 2023!

Monarch butterflies by Rabbit Town Art
Monarch Butterflies


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