IF: Myth
My submission to Illustration' Friday's Myth. I am new to this whole fish-keeping business and been told that fish only have memory that are in the seconds (3 -10?) and I don't think this is the case. The fish I own definitely remember which corner I feed them from. People also say that fish don;t have personalities. Well and truly untrue....they just can't voice it like birds, fish and dogs or have any facial expression. Hard without eyelids but you can tell a fish's personality by watching how they move. Who is shy, a bully and gets a long with everyone. Perhaps this is only in the case of guppies but I doubt it. Then again...maybe I've just been watching my fish for too long...
I am worried I might be overfeeding them but at the same time I don't want them to starve...though I have researched and saw that it is better to underfeed rather than overfeed. Perhaps I will get the swing of things once I have more of a routine.
I love watching them though. It relaxes me. I do get a tad anxious of the idea of seeing one of them floating belly up.
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