Lucky Cat of Love
Howdy! An attempt of still life using nothing but staedtler pens (no pencils) and a lot of Photoshop help. This is one of the figurines/trinkets I have at home and thought to draw it today while watching movies. I like lucky cats. I like what they represent and I enjoy having them around my place and areas where I do work. I like the idea of lucky charms I guess. I may design my own with rabbits and fish. That is an idea. An odd combination but fish and rabbits have been a major part of my artwork lately. I think about them a lot.
A very chilled out day. I need days like these to re-charge and power through during the week. I have a lot to do as always, but I have been managing to juggle my time between work and fun. A nice change from being on work mode all the time.
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