Face Doodles: Eloise and Liz

Marta Tesoro

Rabbit Town Art

More face doodles from early February cos they are so much fun.  I love drawing make-up and wild hair and flamboyant accessories.  I want to re-color my hair again and just get a haircut but work has been way busy.  I haven't been able to get massages, go to the dentist, all that stuff! Am starting to wonder if I am wasting my money on my health insurance, given how I just haven't been able to have as much time for myself to even get these sort of things done.  The downside of being a full-time contract worked that is the team leader.  Sigh.  That said, it has been good though and we are getting a lot of stuff done!

I am not ungrateful for the steady job, though it's preventing me from taking on big freelance work.  Given my travel time, I don't really have a lot of time at night and  I would like to be able to create for myself, rather than someone else in the evenings. Weekends is my time to relax and unfortunately I've been required to come in on some Saturdays for work to get more stuff done.  It's paid, so not much to worry about but it does make picking up extra freelance a bit dicey. 


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