Outfit of the Day 023 and 025

These are pics from 2 weeks ago!  I was doing some kickboxing moves on Wednesday and wore my "Frosty Fun" A-line dress that can be bought on my Redbubble Shop. We went out for a Friday lunch that day.  It's nice to have bonding time with the Studio folks and get some sun!   Drawing with the girls has been great!

I miss kickboxing.  I did it for 2 years...seems like a lifetime ago now. I would love to do more active things again but I haven't made it a focus.  I think it might be time for me to focus on my health and try to get into some better habits again.  Food Diary and really attempt to make exercise a priority again.  I'm not freelancing at the moment.  My current job is just too strenuous for it to be a possibility for now....so aside from illustrating my daily outfit, which I have decided will be my project until I make 100 drawing, and we'll see if I decide to continue after that, I think exercise shall be my other focus.

Today was Anzac day.  I did a bit of work from home but mainly caught up with chores since I went hiking with my friend Evelyn, last Saturday.  I shall talk more about that some time this week.  I also watched a bit of anime and drew.  I didn't draw as much as I thought I would, though.

Hoping to have a not as hectic day tomorrow!


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