Outfit of the Day 015-016

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art
Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Hi! My outfits earlier this month! I wore I dress when we went out on the Saturday and checked out the Avengers Station. While we were walking to dinner, I saw the lucky cat jacket in the front window of Dangerfield Clothing store and I just had to have it.  I collect lucky cats and there was absolutely no question that I would buy this jacket.  There are plenty of other clothes I like in there and am hoping to get the chance and not blow the budget, to go back there and buy quite a few articles of clothing that caught my eye. 

Dangerfield shared my  drawing on their instagram page too!  Really happy about that! 

When we were doing our selfie that day, the girls and I were trying to do our impersonation of a smug female anime character going "ho ho ho!"

Today was super busy.  I am currently checking and sorting out problems across 3 different episodes. On facebook, I tend to just put up posts of all the good times and the lunches at the studio but there is a ton of work that needs doing.


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