Burnt Toast

Well...it was more like a burnt grilled cheese sandwich that I had late in the afternoon having had missed lunch.  Was working on two jobs today and was going all out and gotten to a stage where I am happy with the progress of both but now I have to knuckle down and get the one that's due on Wednesday done already.  I can't do much more work tonight though, a bit tired and my apartment smells like smoke.  Not from the burnt cheese sandwich but from a brownie I put in the microwave and nuked it for far too long.  There was a lot of smoke.  It happened right after I did this drawing too.  So this illustration represents what happened this afternoon but not for what happened in the evening.  Essentially I burnt two meals today: snack and dessert.

I was so busy that I couldn't make it to the gym.  Much to my annoyance.  I can't go tomorrow cause I've got something else on.  Gah!  Hopefully there will be time on Wednesday.

This is Day 30 of drawing straight.  It seems I have a default medium when am rushing to draw stuff.  No pencils, straight to fine liners and colouring up in Photoshop.


  1. Awwwe...poor burnt grilled cheese too! Looks like it's time for salads and ice cream, although I just realized it's winter where you are...alright, back to the warmed foods then, just be careful! ;)
    xo J~


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