Hello Death!

Day 38 of illustrating straight and here I am feeling a bit annoyed with some people I met today.  It amazes me how people want work that is cheap, fast and of high quality.  Sorry, but I can't provide all those things in one go!  You can have cheap, fast but not so great work or expensive and awesome quality.  I work naturally fast anyway but obviously I can work faster if the quality is not so high.  I mean it's either quality or quantity...and if someone wants both I need money cause I won't have a life or any sleep trying to achieve that.  If it's cheap and the quality not so high and it's needed quickly, I can do that pretty easily.  Sigh...it just gets so disheartening sometimes.  Anyway, bleh!  I think I'll go find a job making cookies or something if art stuff dries up.

Also am getting really tired of people asking me if I can animate text!  If I can animate turnarounds and walk cycles and characters doing all sorts of things, I can move text!  Seriously...after some of these gigs am going to make a reel that shows nothing but text and motion graphics animation!

This piece was done with graphite, then hand inked and coloured in Photoshop.  I like cute evil characters.


  1. brilliant!x//3' n i so hear you on that "want fast, cheap n high quality"-thingy. but please don't be disheartened by them ignorant fools. they don't know any better. they would ask for the same thing in your cookie-shop as well.. with animated text topping. xD'


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