Day 59 of illustrating every day!  Yeah!  Here is the illustration for today, dude crushing a bad imp...or some other small creature.  Didn't really think of the details when I drew it up.  Done really quickly, less than 10 minues. 

Sometimes I think, for certain situations, not all you understand, that the best way to rememdy a problem is to crush them.  Works well for pests of all forms I think.  Especially bed bugs and roaches.....hate them.  Vile creatures. 

Busy day today, handed in another corporate gig so that's the last of the immediate deadlines for a little while.  I need the breathing room, I must admit.  Now I need to crush a specific animated shot am working on for the pilot job.  It's a shot that's simply refusing to die...that said, when it's finish, it's going to look awesome!

Copic fineliners and scanned into Photoshop.


  1. That kind of move he's making is something I'm planning to do to the state of my art room today - it is now so overflowing with books and papers and drawing and painting materials everywhere I don't think I can create another thing until I clear it all up and get everything organised so thanks for the inspiration :)

    Veronika (

  2. I admire your ability to take out your aggressions and express certain moods with your must be so very cathartic!
    I was happy to see your little 'face' in the follow box...thank you!!
    Best with your week...hope you have a little relax time in there somewhere!
    xo J~


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