Lingerie clad lady

Day 49 and here's my drawing for today.  I originally thought she'd be wearing a bikini then after putting in the background and looking at it again, thought it looked more like lingerie.

The week that just went past was rather busy, hectic and emotional for me with work, trying to get more work and family and financials all reared their heads together.  I am surprised that I managed to get through it all. The week coming is looking even more busy for me as I have two deadlines, trying to kill off this "A" shot for the pilot job and trying to get another gig while am at it.  Then  also have a birthday, friend catch ups, studio party and network drinks to go to.  Mmmmm...I foresee little sleep in the days to come.

I had a lovely dinner out with my female friends yesterday and caught up with another friend after that.  A lovely relaxing night and today it was so nice and sunny that I paused work to just go to the local cafe and bask in the sun.  Don't take vitamin D for granted people!  A little sun does wonders to ones mood.

I started this drawing last night while waiting for my friend and finished it off at the cafe today.  Done with copic fineliners and coloured in Photoshop.  My weapons of choice when am pressed for time.


  1. I can't believe it's already day 49 of your daily drawing, I really admire you for this.
    Hope next week goes well for you and that you will manage to get some sleep :)


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